Jani & Gary – 2020 Update

Hiking with Wyatt & Sara’s family on Olympic Peninsula, WA.

Even though Jani is an EMT/first responder and Gary continues to go to the gym, they feel lucky during this pandemic year. Aside from those activities, during which they are always wearing a mask, they live on a remote dead-end dirt road and are rarely in crowded situations. This also allows them to get outside to walk or exercise with little fear of viruses. They have traveled this year when they thought it was prudent and the risks low.

Here is a little history for those who may be new to this blog:

Jani and Gary met 50 years ago when Gary attended a NOLS (National Outdoor Leadership School) course, in Washington CT, to experience whitewater canoeing. The program was run by Jani’s father, Bill Garrison, and Jani was one of Gary’s instructors.

Gary had taught canoeing in summer camps in New England prior to that, but never tried his hand at fast water boating. Jani’s family had moved from Indiana in 1968, where her dad coached an interscholastic high school canoe team, and where she had raced canoes competitively.

Gary stayed and helped teach later whitewater courses. He also helped with the other courses that were taught at the John Dorr Nature Lab, the physical home for these NOLS programs. One of these courses was a back-to-the-earth homesteaders program. It was here that Gary met Monty Doyle, the farrier who came to shoe the Garrison’s horses.

Gary had a background of riding and showing horses and was fascinated by this time-honored craft, which he had never witnessed before. He eventually attended to 4 different schools for horseshoeing and blacksmithing, including one at the Cornell University School of Veterinary Medicine, which only accepts 2 students. He started his 49-year career as a farrier working for the same man who shod the Garrison’s horses, the same year he met his future wife.

Three years after his arrival in Washington, Gary and Jani were married. 46 years ago.

Cover illustration from Jani/Gary 1974 Wedding Invitation

Jani & Gary: Slide Show

Jani & Gary: Photo Gallery