Memorial Day Gathering on the Delaware River

(The artistic photo, above, was taken by Nicole Tessier)

It has become a Memorial Day tradition for us to venture into the Catskill Mountains for a family gathering hosted by Jani’s cousins Sarah Garrison and Jane Bedell. Usually the visit features paddling down the Delaware River, but this year the river was too low for canoeing, so we took an invigorating hike on the Tusten Mountain Trail instead.

Of course the big attraction for this special weekend is Sarah’s father (and Jani’s uncle), Mark, whose birthday falls on May 27th and is celebrated by us each year. Mark turned 93 this year.

Viwe from the top of the trail

We were joined by two of Jani’s brothers (Matt and Kent), their wives (Cathy and Francesca), our son Austin, his wife Nicole and their two sons, Sam and Jude. Of course Uncle Mark was there as well as his son Mark and his grandson … also Mark.

We had perfect weather for our hike and for the barbecue dinner at Sarah and Jane’s home by the Delaware River. The day was capped off with birthday cake and an off-key rendition of “Happy Birthday”.

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(Click on any image to expand and begin slideshow)

It just takes one person with a good idea …