Summer Maintenance on the Mattatuck Trail

Last summer, Hurricane Isaias blew down or broke many trees along the trails that we manage (see August Storm Damage – Tropical Storm Isaias). This past June we endured another storm (or microburst) that wreaked major damage on Jani’s portion of the Mattatuck Trail in Warren CT. The photos, below, will give you some idea of the extent of the damage and the efforts it took to clean up after the storm. Some of the blowdowns were too big for us to handle on our own and the CT Forest and Park Association (CFPA) loaned us two hard-working volunteers (Erik and Helen Ann Landgraf) to help.

Jani working at opening up the Mattatuck Trail

To our surprise, most of the damaged trees were oaks, many of them rotted at their base. In a few cases we diverted the trail around the most dangerous tangles but we cleared the existing trail whenever it was feasible. It took two days to accomplish this, even with the extra help.

Gallery of Trail Maintenance Photos

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Occasionally, a trail head has to be moved. This was the case with the Mattatuck section that ends on Hardscrabble Road in Warren CT. The existing trail touched on a property owners land and the owner objected. With an assist of the Waterbury Water Company (the trail traverses Waterbury land – with permission) and the Town of Warren, we were able to move the trailhead and satisfy the aggrieved landowner. This involved new signage, modifying a stone wall, raking over the worn trail and trying to make the new trail look worn.

Gallery of Trail Relocation Photos

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